Adding a New Download Package

Digital Lycaeum

Creating a new download for the Digital Lycaeum is a two-step process.

  1. Create a download package using the WordPress File Manager
  2. Create a new post with a link to the package

Let’s take a look at each step.

Create a download package

Before you begin, you must log into WordPress. This allows you to access the WordPress dashboard by mousing over the Digital Lycaeum menu at the top of the window, and then clicking Dashboard.

On the left side of the window, mouse over File Manager, then click Add New File.

Give your download a name and a brief description. In the Upload File from PC section, click Browse and locate the file you want to add as a download. Ignore the rest of the settings on this page, and click Create Package. You will be returned to the File Manager, and you can see your file; it will also display the Embed Code for the file, similar to [wpdm_file id=#]. Copy this for the next step.

Create a post for your download

From the WordPress bar, mouseover Posts and click Add New (alternatively, from the menu at the top of the screen mouseover + New and click Post). Enter a title, permalink, and description for your download, including the Embed Code for your package. Select the download categories (2D Asset, 3D Asset, Music, and/or Texture), and any applicable tags for your download. At the bottom of the window, click Set featured image and select an image to display on your post, then click Publish.

Congratulations! You have now added a new download to the Digital Lycaeum!

Browncoat Jayson

Join me in New Britannia!

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1 Response

  1. Alternatively, contact WtF or myself, and we would be happy to create the package and download post for you!

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