The Digital Lycaeum Blog


New Britannia Runic Fonts (Updated)

Dame Lori has updated her gorgeous Runic Alphabet fonts with separator dots in place of periods. She posted this to the Forsaken Virtues site today: As requested, my fonts now come with dot separators...

Unity 0

Unity iOS7 Submission Issues

If you have had App Store rejections since the beginning of February, this Unity blog might help. Apparently, one of the recent changes requires that any project that have an Advertising Identifier to show...

Unity 0

New Unity Sample Assets

Unity is updating the “Standard Assets” packages that come bundled with Unity, and renaming them as “Sample Assets”. Before the next version of Unity, when the new assets are integrated with Unity itself, Unity...

Reconciling the Past 4

Goldenflame’s Headcanon

By Goldenflame Dragon Follows are posts originally made to Facebook with my own “headcanons”- things that I was going to make part of the backstory of Ultima that either filled in gaps in the...


CryENGINE 3.5.7

Crytek released the latest version of the CryENGINE today, version 3.5.7. CryENGINE 3.5 Highlights The latest update is a maintenace release, but I’m very behind in my CryENGINE news; the last update I posted...