The Digital Lycaeum Blog


Wet Sand Footsteps

Our own Sanctimonia, Kevin Fishburne, tweeted this morning: Walk with your sweetheart alongside the rushing waves of the beach. More public domain SE’s here This set of sound effects is the last of his...


Dry Sand Footsteps

As part of his public domain sound effect series, Kevin Fishburne has released the second set of footstep sounds across sand. This is dry sand, usable for both the beach (in conjunction with the...


Sand Dune Footsteps

As part of his public domain sound effect series, Kevin Fishburne has released another set of footstep sounds. This time, we cross desert dunes; I can almost hear them atop the High Steppes or...


Twigsnap Footsteps

To accompany his vegetation footstep sets (very light, light, moderate, heavy, and very heavy), Kevin Fishburne has released a set of sounds for twigsnaps. Again, this is a public domain sound effect set. [wpdm_file...


Light Vegetation Footsteps

Kevin Fishburne has tweeted his release of another public domain sound effect set, this time a series of footstep sounds moving through thinly wooded terrain. [wpdm_file id=378] As he noted on the previous releases:...


Deep Water Footsteps

Kevin Fishburne has released a new batch of public domain sound effects. This set includes eight variants of footsteps in deep water. [wpdm_file id=375] As he noted on the previous releases: These are recorded...