New Britannia Runic Fonts

Dame Lori has graciously allowed us to share her gorgeous Runic Alphabet fonts. She described them on her site thusly:

I was inspired to try my hand at font-making tonight! I created 3 handwritten runic fonts based on the chart Lord British supplied during one of the hangouts.

These fonts are free use – anyone, including Portalarium, can use them for whatever you want! (Just please don’t claim you made them! *shakes fist*)

They are in OTF format. Included are A-Z (upper and lower are the same), numbers, and symbols !?,.-@

New Britannia Runic Fonts by Dame Lori

If you have any problems or I flubbed something up, please let me know – this was my first venture into font making.


Dame Lori runs Forsaken Virtues, the preeminent fansite for Shroud of the Avatar. The original download can be found here.

Note, these runes are from Shroud of the Avatar, which are slightly different than those of Ultima proper. Rustic Dragon, of Hearth of Britannia, provided this comparison image to the community:

Runic Comparison

Browncoat Jayson

Join me in New Britannia!

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4 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Thank you Dame Lori! Excellent work, and thou hast earned thyself a place in the credits of my game (sorry I’m not Lord British, though I do have game). Hopefully Portalarium will have sense enough to use them as well.

  2. Just wanted to let you know we used Dame Lori’s awesome Runic font to create a tool for anyone to learn the New Britannia Runic language.

    Flash cards!

    Learn by individual letter, words, sentences, and Hidden Vale locations!

  1. October 18, 2013

    […] iBooks application for the iPad, will support Video and Audio embedded content! Some even support embedded fonts! These are all supported in PDF documents as […]

  2. February 26, 2014

    […] the preeminent fansite for Shroud of the Avatar. The first version of her fonts can be found here. Sir Frank is a member of the College of Arms. Both are outspoken members of the Shroud of the […]

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