Tagged: fan project



Kevin Fishburne releases yet another series of sound effects! More public domain sound effects (using new looping tech.): rain_x at http://t.co/9eQAIkvgy3 and water_flowing_x at http://t.co/WoQ8tnRwkl — Eight Virtues (@eightvirtues) May 8, 2013 The rain...


Wind in Foliage

Capture the wind! Kevin Fishburne releases a series of weather sound effects to accompany both his weather effects and footsteps in vegetation; the sound of wind in the foliage. Recording the wind is easy....


Medium Thunder

The second of Kevin Fishburne’s series of weather sound effects, this thunder is nearer and more active. This mixes perfectly with his earlier Distant Thunder set. More original public domain sound effects for your...


Fauna Sound Effects I

As noted in the last Random Wednesdays, Kevin Fishburne has begun releasing fauna sound effects. Here’s some sound effects in case you missed my tweet and are developing a game requiring these in particular:...


Distant Thunder

Likely due to storms in the area, Kevin Fishburne took a break in his work on the in-game map for Sanctimonia and his Footstep series of sound effects to create something new. As he...


Rubble Kick Footsteps

To accompany his footstep on bedrock, Kevin Fishburne has released a set of sounds for stones skittering underfoot. This is best mixed in with the bedrock effect to produce realistic footsteps on a loose...


Bedrock Footsteps

A new set of footsteps audio has been released by Kevin Fishburne is his public domain sound effects series. This time, we have footsteps on bedrock. [wpdm_file id=403] As he noted on the previous...


Shell Pop Footsteps

To accompany his footstep in sand sets (wet, dry, and dunes), Kevin Fishburne has released a set of sounds for shells crunching underfoot. Again, this is a public domain sound effect set. [wpdm_file id=401]...


Wet Sand Footsteps

Our own Sanctimonia, Kevin Fishburne, tweeted this morning: Walk with your sweetheart alongside the rushing waves of the beach. More public domain SE’s here This set of sound effects is the last of his...


Dry Sand Footsteps

As part of his public domain sound effect series, Kevin Fishburne has released the second set of footstep sounds across sand. This is dry sand, usable for both the beach (in conjunction with the...